Monday, June 27, 2011

Mr. Pickles

I can remember the first time I heard about Mr. Pickles, a maine coon looking phantom of a cat. He was described as being a silly, whimsical cat who had the strange habit of emulating a racoon's style of running, with his tail lifted. I had the pleasure of encountering this cat myself on a few rare occasions and I was left with the distinct impression that I had met a very unique cat.

I was surprised to find Mr. Pickles outside enjoying a warm day, completely docile. Never before had be allowed me to get so close.

We must have caught him at the right time of day, during his hour of rest and lounging.

I believe that Mr. Pickles spends the majority of his time indoors, with a good old fashioned nuclear family. His quirkiness has probably developed as a response to living with children. That is my theory, at least. In any case, I was real glad to finally have a pet session with this peculiar cat!

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